

Short thoughts that need no elaboration.


April 30, 2011 | There’s only one reason anyone, man or woman, says they’re fine when they aren’t: they don’t trust you with the truth. It may or may not be something to take personally, but that’s invariably the heart of the matter.

April 30, 2011 | Coffee and energy drink companies are trying to convince us that we can’t make it through a full day on our own. Since the dawn of time the human body and mind have been pushed to limits that far surpass a 9-to-5 job, or the demands of 2.5 children. Don’t believe the hype.

May 5, 2011 | If you constantly complain about the unwarranted success of lackluster people/endeavors, you should also be willing to go out of your way to support quality. Yes, with your money, and if not, then at least with your time. 

May 11, 2011 | I find it amusing that many men complain about how women make it difficult to pursue them, but also are turned off by (or devalue) women who “cut to the chase,” so to speak. If we’re at a bar and I stop you at “hello” to say I have a boyfriend and am not interested (thus sparing wasted time) I’m a conceited bitch; if I stop you at “hello” to ask “your place or mine?” (thus acknowledging we have the same goal for the night) I’m not respectable.

August 14, 2011 | There’s no reason to instill something in your child that you will expect him/her to outgrow eventually. Why put it there in the first place? 

September 10, 2011 | Sometimes I have to hype myself up by reminding myself that I am an adult, and that I need to behave as one if I want to be perceived as one. Funny thing is, I think “adults” are just as surprised to find themselves with the label, and have to make similar reminders to themselves too. Is “growing up” ever the kind of state we imagine it to be as children? Do we ever really “grow up” like we think we will? 




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